An addendum to my
last post about the comic artist Kevin Huizenga's re-takes of Audubon and the genre of natural history. I compared Huizenga's squirrels to Audubon's pigeons, but didn't mention Kevin H's own wonderful swarming birds story, "The Curse," which is part of a 3-part cycle on the mysteries and miseries of suburban life.
Salon ran a great review of these and other works in the collection
Curses back in 2006.
In "The Curse," the bird in question is the starling, an imported "old world" species that has thrived in North America, not unlike the highly invasive human suburbanites they now torment, with their ceaseless chirpings and -
true to the spirit of the departed passenger pigeons, perhaps - voluminous droppings.
Here's a post from Huizenga's own blog about the latest in starlings (well, latest as of April 2007) .
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